Sunday 26 August 2018

How to avoid procrastination

Procrastination is the Killer of Productivity but Not Entirely.
Sometimes procrastinating helps you think and organise and plan.
BUT over procrastinating that is the Killer.

When you put something off so much that your rushing to hit a deadline is not good.
Thats why I like using the Mel Robbins 5,4,3,2,1 Method its simple and it works.
Check out her Book the 5 second rule, Its a way to kick yourself into gear.
Heres my List of things to help you stop Procrastinating.

1: Read Mel Robbins 5 second rule or get it on Audiobook( Love Audiobooks yes I know I'm Lazy lol), It gives a Simple message and it works.

2. Get yourself A Pomodoro  App:A technique Created in the late 1980's it Helps breaks down overwhelming tasks into smaller timed chunks.You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish in 25 mins.

3. Get yourself a Journal:For one thing Journalling is important for your mental well being as it helps get things out of your brain and off your chest so you can go to bed lighter. But also its good to look back and see what you've achieved.

4.For at least 30 mins a day read something or listen to an audiobook that's either inspirational or Fiction. This will help you get your imagination and creative juices flowing. 

5. Go for a walk: This helps not only get fresh air to your body and Blood Circulating your Brain. Its generally refreshing.

6.Remember there's nothing wrong with Duvet Days but in moderation,We all need time to let our bodies recover but don't do it so much that it enters sloth Mode.

7. Make sure you get enough sleep. Theres no problem in getting up early and GTD but if you have consistently late nights and still get up early your body doesn't get the regenerative sleep it needs to recharge which in turn leads to you feeling drained and its not great for the brain.

oneideatoday xxx

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