Tuesday 23 June 2020

Wise words from Stan Lee in regards to Equality

Hatred is learned Not a Thing we as human beings are Not born with.
It is hard to change a person who has had hate ingrained in them since birth.
But if you can educate the youth of today to have their own opinions then it’s a huge step to the end goal of equality.
Be kind to all as you would want someone to be kind to you.
Try to have empathy with those that have walked a different path to yours.
There are no different races just one... Human Race.
Nobody chooses where they’re born or their Ancestors so why discriminate against them because of it.

We don’t discriminate between different breeds of Animals and yet there is the need amongst some to do it to fellow Humans.

In the 21st century equality should be main stream and a right for all.

Nobody should have to protest just for the right to live a normal life.

Be kind, Be thoughtful and Be respectful.


Oneideatoday xxx

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