Thursday 20 February 2020

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly effect

Even the smallest of actions can have a far reaching impact that we may not be aware of.

The Butterfly effect is a theory that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings causes ripples that may have a knock on a effect for larger events such as a hurricane or tsunami.

While this may seem far fetched or an exaggeration it can be applied to our lives.

If you have visited my one kind act page and watched the video then you have seen how one kind gesture can have a knock on effect, if you haven’t then please do check it out it’s a great video made by the people at life invest.

We so very often don’t see the knock on effects of what we say and do and unfortunately negative gestures or actions are just as far reaching as positive ones.

I would much rather see a world where kind gestures are paid forward then in a world of everyone for themselves with a take but don’t give attitude.

A smile is a fantastic thing to see rather than a frown or a tear that’s being shed.

The feeling of bringing joy into someone else’s life is enriching and long lasting and that someone else will pass it on to another and that’s something YOU can do.

So start tomorrow with a positive mentality, Because YOU deserve it and so do others.

Bad people don’t become good people from being treated badly, Good people do become bad people from being treated badly.

Which do you prefer ?


Oneideatoday xxx

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