Saturday 1 February 2020

Life moves pretty fast

Quick note: No post yesterday as I had a really hectic day, so sorry about that.

Okay today’s post and I will begin.

As I said I had a hectic day yesterday as I’m sure a lot of you do, we have so much to pack into our days that sometimes 24hrs just doesn’t seem enough.
Even with the best of planning things pop up unexpectedly and derail our plans or knock them slightly off course.

The problem is with so much going on it can be hard to remember to take time out for ourselves, But it’s important that we do.

How can we appreciate what we’ve achieved or what we have if we never slow down and take a little time to do so.
Mindfulness is great for this and over the last few years has become a lot more main stream. All it takes is ten minutes of your day to reboot and assess yourself.

Your brain is always on the go, always processing but it needs time to organise itself and rest and reboot.
The health benefits are great 👍 and you in turn will feel great.
There are so many apps available for your phone, tablet and computer to help you out with this. I haven’t tried them all but my personal favourites are Headspace and Buddhify but there are others such as Calm etc.

So next time you think life’s moving to fast 💨 and you feel overwhelmed, stop take 10 mins out and reboot. It’s up to you to slow your life down.

Appreciate the time you have, Appreciate your mind and body because it’s all you have.


Oneideatoday xxx

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