Sunday 19 January 2020

Count me in

Are you in or are you out.
If you say count me in, then you want to achieve your goals and be the best version of you that you can be.
If you say count me out, then you have achieved all you possibly can in life and are already the best version of you that you can be, I will happily congratulate you on that if that is the case.

Unfortunately most if not all of us won’t be in the latter category and you know what that’s ok 👌.
Life is mostly what you put in you will get out.

Life likes to put challenges in our way and it’s up to us how we deal with them. We can let them bring us down and think 💭 that everything is against us. The alternative is to use these challenges as lessons and let them make us a better person in the long run.

Failure is only failure when we learn nothing from it.
Yes we can get things wrong, The whole population of the world 🌍 suffers from this at some stage in their lives but that doesn’t mean we have to let it affect us in a negative 👎 way.

I’ve recently started my own reddit sub - Titled R/inspireothers

In the hope of spreading some positivity on the Net. No fake News just a place where people can help others to be better versions of themselves.
Hopefully it will grow into a place of quotes,art,life tips,help and support that is available to all.
Check it out On

So are you in or are you out?
Believe me life is so much better when you count yourself in.
Oneideatoday xxx

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