Wednesday 9 January 2019

Why you should learn to think 💭 outside the Box

It’s a common phrase that we’ve all heard at some stage “ Think outside the box 📦 “

But what does that actually mean and why should we think outside the imaginary box.

The box is the ideas and standards that we’re brought up on as children before we can make are own decisions.

Unfortunately most of us become institutionalised to the way things should be or rather have to be. The fact is that many of the great inventions we have today come from people who stepped out of the norm and looked at things from a different point of view.

Many,many years ago people thought the world was flat (yep it’s true and some people would have you believe they still do). But I can assure you it’s round and until someone looked at it from outside the box it probably would have stayed that way.

If we all thought inside the box then there would be no evolution in the world 🌍 and this applies to everything from Travel to Technology, From language to music 🎧.

The only way we can evolve as a species is to think outside the box and not follow traditional points of view otherwise we could never move forward and we’d stagnate.

We need to find ways to combat things like climate change, Cancer and Hatered that grows in the world 🌍 and this can only be done by breaking away from the way we think things should be done or at least how they’ve been done before.

We can only change as a species if we choose to as a whole otherwise we are just stuck in one vicious circle ⭕️.

So start thinking outside the box 📦 today, change your life,change others life and change the world we live in for the better .

Oneideatoday Xxx

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