Saturday 5 January 2019

Doctor Who... Reaching for the Stars or Stuck in a parallel Universe

This season has been like Marmite, The opinion seems to be you either loved it or you hated it. So the question is did I like it or hate it.

The answer is one word... Meh.

So to get out the Elephant in the room, I didn’t want a female Doctor (Sudden outrage ensues).

Wait, the simple reason I didn’t is because I think it shows lack of imagination or the inability to write a strong female lead.

With the reemergence of Gallifrey it would have been awesome to see a female counterpart of the Doctor who for some reason had been out of the picture due to Gallifrey being frozen. This character could have had a spin off series and been an equal to the Doctor. Unfortunately it was far easier to just plonk her on the Doctor and hope people would accept it.

Anyway back to the Season 11. So every Doctor after their regeneration has had some sort of settling in time so we can see their character build, was there one this time Nope. 

They could have made so much of the Doctor being Female for the first time in his life, instead it was skipped over and we join it a week later with a slightly confused but more settled Doctor.

( can I say at this point that Jodie Whittaker is a fantastic Doctor, She’s back in the form of the first 3 Doctors from the restart).

So we come to the companions who in all fairness aren’t that bad, However again we’re given no time to grow into them. It’s almost as if they were thrown into the first episode to give support to Jodie in case she wasn’t strong enough ( Which by the way she is more than capable of holding her own).

Even the loss of the mother is not as strong as it would have been if the companions had been grown into the story.

I did enjoy some of the references to previous Doctors, But again it was as if they thrown in to say this’ll keep them Happy. Even the Christmas Episode (ok new year episode) gave us a Dalek that had no reference of the Doctor so wouldn’t be able to question why their Arch Nemesis is now female.

It just feels instead of making The Doctor being female part of the Story they just skipped it with the exception of a few throwaway comments. Why? I have no idea but because this Doctor wasn’t allowed to grow on us the Bad episodes stood out more.

Also I missed the Story arc part of the show mini stories within a larger story that plays out at the Finale. That has been part of Who since the Beginning.

To make it worse after getting used to Doctor we are Told she won’t be back till 2020. Really, If the BBC are trying to wind down the franchise then they are doing a great job 😂.

This is just my opinion as a long time fan of the Show, I would love to hear 👂 your thoughts.

Oneideatoday xxx

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